I pay my respects to the masters of the Dzogchen Lineage, especially my kind root teacher, Dzogchen Khenpo Choga Rinpoche.
In the Dzogchen Lineage, we learn about the three types of Buddha:
Ground Buddha is our pure inner nature. We also call this our Buddha Nature. All sentient beings have the same Buddha Nature, which is the explanation why all beings naturally seek happiness and avoid suffering.
Path Buddha is our Dharma, our positive thinking, the cultivation of wisdom by learning, contemplating and meditating on Dharma.
Result Buddha is when our Path Buddha is merged with our Ground Buddha, when we fully realize our Buddha Nature.
The Path Buddha blog is an account of my personal experiences with Buddhism. I began it when I went on a pilgrimage to Buddha’s holy sites in India and Nepal with my teacher. I aspire to continue to write about my Buddhist experiences.
With Dharma in Mind, Hazlitt Eiler Krog Upasaka Bodhisattva Pema Bhadra Dorje